Remote Hub Lab
Our lab is fairly new but we have a lot of presence! Learn more about what’s happening here!
Talks and Major Events:
Intel Corporation and Intel Labs Visit
- It was our great pleasure to welcome Intel’s executives to my lab and to share with them the work we have been doing. All the students of the lab put in an incredible amount of effort to prepare for the visit and they did an excellent job showcasing their work. Although not all the lab’s students could make it in person, their contribution, enthusiasm and spirit were present throughout the visit. High five to each one of them!.
- Thank you Mike Uhl, Gabriela Cruz Thompson Megan Lutz Alan Wright for visiting The Remote Hub Lab (RHLab). Your visit inspires our team to keep pushing the boundaries of innovation in engineering research and education. We look forward to continuing our partnership and collaboration with Intel Corporation and Intel Labs.
- Thanks to our wonderful Sharon Dana and University of Washington College of Engineering for coordinating the visit.

ECE Graduate Research Symposium
- The rhlab grad students Marcos Inonan, Brian Chap, and Francisco Monroy participated in the UW ECE graduate research symposium. The posters featured relia and woundcare projects.

IEEE Region 6 Outstanding Engineering Educator Award
- We are thrilled to start the new year by announcing that Prof. Rania Hussein has won the IEEE Region 6 outstanding engineering educator award for the year 2022. This award recognizes Prof. Hussein’s work in promoting equitable access to engineering education, which is a core value of the rhlab research. The award also recognizes Prof. Hussein’s mentorship, advancement of students’ success, and empowerment of under-represented communities. The award will be presented in February 2023 during the region’s 6 annual meetings.
- Congratulations Prof. Hussein!

EE 271

- This autumn quarter 2022, the students of the introductory digital design course (EE 271) used the rhlab for the first time to complete their assignments on FPGA design. The course also incorporated part of the rhl BEADLE curriculum.
- The students concluded the quarter with a visit to the lab where they checked the boards they have been accessing remotely, and a group picture with Prof. Rania Hussein and RHLab’s PhD student Marcos Inonan
- Thanks for visiting and thanks for a great quarter!
NSF I-Corps
- The Woundcare team has successfully completed the NSF ICorp program with a pleasant surprise to students co-leads Francisco Luquin and Sai Jayanth Kalisi by winning the Spirit of ICorp award! The Osto-mate ICorp team included Prof. Rania Hussein as the PI and Terri L. Butler, PhD as the industry mentor. The Osto-mate project focuses on developing IoT and image processing based solutions for stoma care management for telehealth practices.
- On behalf of the rhlab and the Osto-mate team, we would like to thank National Science Foundation (NSF) and the ICorp program manager Ruth Shuman for supporting this project. We would also like to thank the NSF ICorp team Nakia Melecio Laura Smailes Keith McGreggor Aprille Busch (and all involved whom we couldn’t tag), for their mentorship and guidance throughout the program.
- Congratulations Francisco and Sai for your achievement!

Navajo Technical University

- The rhlab had very special guests from Navajo Technical University. It was a delight to meet and greet NTU faculty and students and learn about NTU academics and service to the Navajo Nation. From all of us at RHLab, welcome NavajoTech!. We hope you enjoyed your visit to Seattle and to the University of Washington
Frontiers in Education
- Oct 2022, rhlab congratulates Matthew Guo for successfully presenting his paper on the RHL-Butterfly project at the Frontiers in Education Conference. This project is funded by Intel Corporation.
- Congratulations Matt!
SPA 2023
- Francisco Luquin presented his paper at the IEEE conference on Signal Processing Algorithms, architectures, arrangements and applications.
- The paper investigates the accuracy of iPhone’s depth camera as a viable solution for stoma shape extraction for wafer fitting. This is part of the Osto-mate project that works on developing IoT and image processing-based solutions for stoma care management in telehealth practices.
- Congrats Francisco on your publication!

UC San Diego

- On August 23rd 2022, the rhlab partnered with Digi-Key Electronics and LabsLand to present RHL-BEADLE project to the ECE SIPP students at UC San Diego.
- The lab thanks digikey labsland for the partnership and thanks Prof. Karcher Morris of UC San Diego Electrical and Computer Engineering for making our presentation at UCSD possible. We look forward to more partnership opportunities with all academics and industry
Intel 2022 Academic Day
- The Lab would like to thank Intel Corporation for featuring the rhlab on Intel’s 2022 academic day. You can access all the material including Prof. Rania Hussein‘s talk at the link below. We look forward to continuing our partnership with Intel and welcome collaboration with all academics and other industry partners in future opportunities.

High School Student Outreach

- Prof. Rania Hussein gave a presentation to rising high school seniors visiting University of Washington. Students asked great questions about engineering, majors, and research opportunities. The rhlab wishes all visitors a happy summer and hope they had an enjoyable time at UW!
ECEDHA Virtual Summit
- On 6/5/2022, Dr. Hussein presented to ECE faculty, industry professionals, and educators on the benefits of a hybrid approach to teaching digital logic through project BEADLE, and how BEADLE can be deployed at low cost to students of all communities around the world.
Undergraduate Research Symposium Lightning Talk presented by Florence Atienza (Class of ‘22 EE):
- Research Question: How can we advance the Remote Hub Lab to be more accessible and scalable in a post-pandemic context? What does equitable access to engineering education mean today?
- Watch the video to listen to Florence’s presentation at the Undergraduate Research Symposium held by the University of Washington on 5/20/2022.
Project Updates:
- On 3/21/22 NSF granted UW the project RELIA: A New Generation of Broadly Accessible Remote Engineering Laboratories
- Project goal: develop a remote computing and wireless communication laboratory based on field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) and software defined radio (SDR) platforms and perform a comprehensive assessment of student learning and engagement in remote settings for these engineering technologies
- virtualized IoT breadboard allowing for experimentation with digital circuits and logic gates for ARM microcontrollers, without the need for physical electrical hardware
- allows for equitable remote hardware access for users around the world
- Current Goals:
- Aiming to add virtualized standard breadboard components such as NOT gates, AND gates, and OR gates, which has already been successfully demonstrated in a proof-of-concept (though not yet deployed)
- Aiming to move breadboard solution computation and processing directly onto hardware
- This will be a more accurate representation of how embedded systems hardware interacts with a physical breadboard, despite BUTTERFLY being virtual
Intel-sponsored webinar at ASEE Annual Conference 2021
- On July 26th 2021, Dr. Rania Hussein and Dr. Pablo Orduna presented the article “Remote Versus In-hand Hardware Laboratory in Digital Circuits Courses,” exploring pedagogical aspects of the usage of remote FPGA laboratories in class and emphasizing the need for such remote labs at educational institutions.
- Study concluded that students perform better in terms of overall scores and understanding and analyzing skills when presented with remote access to laboratory hardware than in-person.
- Awarded 2021 Best Paper Award
- Conference Link
IEEE Spectrum: Online Labs Give Remote-Learners Hands On Experience
- Feature article in the IEEE Spectrum. Click here to read more!

Oct 2022, The rhlab congratulates Shuowei Li for successfully defending her PhD. Part of Shuowei’s dissertation was about the setup of the remote FPGA lab at UWECE in collaboration with LabsLand and using virtualization and remotely accessible FPGAs in teaching digitaldesign course (EE 371) during the pandemic. The study also included the industry perspective on simulation and verification tools in engineeringeducation
Congratulations Dr. Li!
- SEP 2022, The lab is delighted to welcome the newest members of the rhlab team. We are very excited to have such talented and diverse group of students who are ready to take the lab to new levels. Welcome aboard everyone!.
WeAreBoundless - July 2022, The RHLab congratulates Florence Atienza for her graduation with a BS in Electrical and Computer Engineering and a minor in Education, Learning, and Society from the UW! Florence has been an instrumental member of the lab and the success of Project Beadle. Florence is joining Intel Corporation as an Application Engineer post graduation.
- Thank you Florence and congrats on your graduation!